Stop spending a huge amount on the things that harm you

Have you guys ever wonder or even think it at least once a time at the end of the month that where are you spending your savings and pocket money? If not, then I highly recommend you o start doing it monthly. The reason behind this, that most of the time if we have good financial support or income so we don’t even bother to think or notice that where are we spending our money or whether the things which we are buying are reliable and fine for our health or not?

Majority of us, especially youngsters who get their pocket money or who save their pocket money spend it on the things which are waste less or harmful for their health. 

Among the series of them, drugs and smoking are on the top of the list. 

So let’s take a deep dive with me and unveil some of the harsh but true-facts that can easily run your lives towards death together.

Does smoking kill?


Yes, it kills as every single cigarette is a slow poison for you that not just damaging your inner body parts system but also destructs your mental and physical health too slowly and gradually. 

As per the report, it has been diagnosed that smoking leads a person towards lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, as well as also damage your mental stability and physical health. 

That is why you can see and feel that youngsters who are habitually smoke feel some kind of restlessness, disturbance, and some kind of irritation feeling when they don’t get their smoke and this is all because they are highly affected and addicted of the smoking and dragging their selves towards the chain-smoking.

What are the alternatives?


There are alternatives but still, it can happen if a person is willing to overcome his or her smoking habit. One alternative is a mental and psychologist consultations, another one is a meditation way. But according to the survey, it also has been noticed that only 20 to 40 percent of people get the recovery and quit smoking with the help of these alternatives. 

Although on the other hand, people especially youngsters who switch towards the vape juice or nicotine e-liquid easily quit their smoking habit. 

Are e-cigarettes safe?


Well, saying or claiming that it is purely safe and won’t damage your health is not the right deal. Somehow it affects and may harm your health. As per the research, these e-cigarettes can come in different flavor forms and categories and each flavor contains a chemical that is not so good for your immune system. 

But somehow, considering it just for the sake of quit your smoking habit or take it once in a week is enough for you and won’t harm you. 

But like we all know that excessive use of anything may harm or damage our body parts. 

Rest, if you don’t know from where can you get or buy e-cigarettes then, consider