Real Estate In The Digital World: A Summary

The past couple of years have been pivotal in regards to the development of digital architectures within a number of fields. From finance to real estate, the usage of digitally-oriented architectures has become a staple in sectors which aren’t normally associated with “digital”. The whole of real estate, in particular, has been the clear exemplification of why everything should be digital-first. Let’s analyse the evolution of the sector in more detail. 


Constant Evolution 


If there’s one thing for which the entire real estate sector has been accused of, that would definitely be the fact that there is, generally, an “old” approach to it. The generally slow processes when it comes to either buying or selling a property have led, in fact, to the proliferation of digital structures which were made for the sole purpose of speeding up certain tasks within the real estate segment. 

This, combined with the fact that, generally, there have been a lot of different legal updates to the buying and selling process, has been the catalyst which pushed to the digitalization of the real estate sector, from commercial property valuations to real estate investments. 


eCommerce Approaches to Real Estate Scenarios 


When it comes to the real estate sector, there have been several instances of digital marketing being deployed thoroughly with an eCommerce approach. For example, listing properties is something which could be treated in the very same way eCommerce products are being treated. There are several companies who have started building infrastructures with an eCommerce feeling, rather than a lead generation one. 

That, combined with the fact that SEO, PPC and other forms of data-driven marketing are being fastly deployed within the whole of the real estate sector, is the main reason why eCommerce strategies are being deployed on a variety of different real estate companies, offering services from buying to commercial property management


To Conclude 


The world of real estate has changed drastically from a business perspective in the past couple of years. There are several instances of companies trying to develop digital marketing (or just digital-related) features into their own strategies. Saying that the future of real estate is digital is pretty much a safe way to confirm the fact that, in a couple of years time, there will be thousands and thousands of companies who will be digitally focused first. …

Legally protecting your business in 4 steps

When starting up a new business, there can be many problems that happen along the way. They can either small issues or pitfalls that provide a long-term issue, resulting in your business burning to the floor before it’s truly had a chance to take off. This can be a common occurrence when it comes to pitfalls related to legal issues. If you have problems with the law this can have a negative impact on your business.

Considering this, here are 4 ways you can protect your business from a legal perspective.


Online protection

The majority of users and customers revert to online platforms to discover products and services. This is why having an online presence as a business is a must. At the same time, you also need to be aware of how you protect yourself legally online.

There are several considerations that you need to make including privacy policies, creating disclaimers, business statements, terms and conditions etc. This may feel like a long-winded process, but in the long run it’ll be extremely beneficial for protecting their business.


Creating employee contracts

It’s likely in the future, when your business grows you’ll be looking to hire employees on a full term basis. If so, you’ll need to create contracts for your employees which outlines their role, responsibilities and terms of their employment.

In signing the document, this means the employee agrees to the terms and conditions the contract and what they have to oblige to whilst under employment of the business. This provides less of a risk that employees can take legal action against you through dispute resolution solicitors for clauses in the contract.


Contracts with work

If you happen to be in a trade of work that deals with clients, contracts should also apply for clients too. Paying on time and for the right amount is key to maintaining your cash flow as a business. If clients decide to drop out outside the terms of the contract or are unable to pay on time, signed contracts are there for your legal protection in these situations.

This is particularly important if you’re a freelancer or a business that’s well established as it prevents clients from taking advantage of you.


Have a partnership agreement in place

It can be easier to set up a business when you have a partner. This makes cash flow easier and more funds available as part of the investment for the company. Even if the partner you have is a close friend or someone you trust dearly, you should still consider putting a partnership agreement in place. This will help to put a structure in place about how the business is run, the roles of each partner and how the business will be dissolved later down the line.

There are many changes that could occur to the business during the partnership which means you should keep yourselves protected. You can arrange a solicitor to put the agreement in place, but should also consider hiring a mediation

Why Businesses Are Approaching Data

2018 and 2019 have definitely been two of the biggest years in regards to data manipulation and overall data science. The usage of Python, combined with a variety of different programming languages, has become quite an important subject within data and not exclusively. Let’s analyse why data is so relevant nowadays and why businesses should value it for their development plans. 


SQL Databases: The Starting Point For Developing Machine Oriented Data 


In a business world where automation is the main keyword for a number of reasons, it’s no secret why the creation of databases should be the top priority for a number of business sectors. An SQL database is a complex architecture which stores numerical variables that are connected to a user/specific keywords. It’s very important to understand the fact that SQL databases aren’t something which is exclusively related to big tech companies, but could be used in fintech, general finance and advisory companies as well. The usage of data to store precisely tailored data points is the starting point which every business should consider in 2020 when it comes to data. 


Fluctuating Mobile Architectures Based On Keywords 


When it comes to mobile, there have been some architectures which relied a lot on the usage of data. It may surprise you but applications you use on the daily like Amazon and Facebook constantly gather data via your phone. Every time you search for a keyword, an item or something else, that precise data point is being used for email marketing, SEO and digital campaigns. This “fluctuating” data is something which heavily connects the world of mobile and the world of business. That’s the general idea many app developers have when it comes to data being deployed within the mobile world. Overall, the gathering of data points is something which pushes and enlarges a number of features which are born to automatic. 


The Evolution Of Data In 2020 


The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to data in 2020 is the fact that there are multiple programming languages which are being deployed to CRM and other forms of marketing automation facilities. For example, Google has recently launched Tensorflow.Js, the first Javascript-based framework which is set to become the industry standard for data science and machine learning in web development. The future of data in 2020 is definitely going to be related to the fact that data will most likely be connected to a severe number and variety of native web applications. …