Which business thrives most in Norway?

There are many stores and businesses in Norway. Norskeanmeldelser is an online review platform in Norway that connects the majority of these businesses with people. According to a World Bank ranking, Norway is the wealthiest country in the world, with the highest human development index. Listed first in the better life index, Norway is considered to be the largest producer of oil and natural gas.

Its economy revolves around petroleum, natural gas, minerals, seafood, and hydropower. The standard of living in Norway is also one of the highest in the world. All of these statistics imply that the country, Norway, is highly suitable for the establishment of a business. Check out some business ideas that will thrive the most in Norway;

  • Import and export

There are a lot of products that can be imported into the country. Do a thorough market analysis before venturing into this business. It will help you to know which products are needed. Also, familiarize yourself with the regulations that apply to the goods you have chosen to import or export, especially the tax regulations.

  • Restaurants

Setting up restaurants or cafes is a popular business trend in Norway. Your specialization can range from local food, ethnic cuisine, or a combination of both. Location is a critical factor in setting a business such as this as it can make or mar the business.

  • Tour guide

There are a lot of tourist attractions in Norway, like the Sognefjord or the Lofoten Islands. Setting up a business that offers the services of tour guides to these curious tourists can be profitable. It is a bonus if multilingualism characterizes the company.

  • Photography

If you are skilled in the art of photography, then you can make good money in Norway. It is advisable to be known for an area of photography, be it nature, corporate, or travel photography. Opening photography tours and, or workshops can go a long way in helping to monetize your skills as a photographer.

  • E-commerce

With the advent of the internet, business transactions have become more comfortable. You could own a store, buy goods, and then resell after a customer has placed an order. There are websites you can choose to sell. In the finance industry, E-commerce has also found firm ground. The exchange of money online from the comfort of the home is prevalent. A firm like Bitcoin Gemini allows for the transfer of cryptocurrencies online.

  • Real estate

The sale, lease, and buying of buildings, houses, and estates are widely acknowledged to be very lucrative anywhere in the world. In Norway, things are no different. Anyone who would want a boost in their wealth should consider real estate in Norway.

  • Technology products

With the heavy dependence of the world on technology, it should come as no surprise that it is one of the thriving business in Norway. By opening a store that sells items such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, printers, and many more, you rest assured of more income.

Other businesses could thrive in …